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For $30 per year (5 print issues) you can help us build our magazine! Buying a subscription to lily Magazine helps support a local, independent magazine that promotes local, independent businesses and causes! 






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Social Media Savvy: The Basics


Part 1



Do you need a basic or refresher course to make sure what you're doing is up to snuff? Think you already have Social Media nailed down? You might be surprised! This deceptively simple course by our own Mackenzie Boone features exercises that will actually help you create your Social Media campaigns in 2 parts:


In Part 1 you'll learn the 5 essential skills to creating Social Media that matters - and has direct impact on your business and branding.


You will be sent an email / download upon purchase. 



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Social Media Savvy: The Basics


Part 2



Do you need a basic or refresher course to make sure what you're doing is up to snuff? Think you already have Social Media nailed down? You might be surprised! This deceptively simple course by our own Mackenzie Boone features exercises that will actually help you create your Social Media campaigns in 2 parts:


In Part 2, you will learn the details of how your posts must be created: Exactly how many words / characters per social media outlet for each message in order to be effective, how to integrate your essential messages into every post and how to make your Social Media stand out from your competitors! 


You will be sent an email / download upon purchase. 



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Better Business Basics



There are certain basic skills, strategies and even rules of etiquette that can be applied to ANY business setting, from sales to staff management to working with colleagues, for great success. And there are certain things that can quickly derail a sale, a potential connection or business relationship!


Our own Betsy Menneg applies her 20+ years of experience in sales and client management for one of the nation's largest communications companies to this easy but hugely impactful course that helps you achieve your business goals while avoiding pitfalls that can ruin an important business or sales project. A very useful course whether you're new in business, are having difficulty in a work situation or just want to ensure you are at the top of your game! 

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